One of the main reasons of the Civil War was slavery . Lincoln was born in a slave state and later moved to Indiana a free state. Many years later he was elected as president. Many southerners were worried that Lincoln would put a end to slavery.Even though Lincoln despised slavery he also didn't support abolitionists. Many states were already chosen if they were slave or free states but others had popular sovereignty which meant they got to choose for themselves. I of course liked free states because they were more interdependent and didn't need slaves. I didn't understand why Lincoln just put an end on slavery before it got out of control.I think this topic is important to learn about because you should know your past and learn from those mistakes.I want to learn more about what they did to those who passed away.
Hi M.V.,
I wish I understood why people believe that they have to go to war to solve problems. It seems that we should be able to figure out better ways to solve problems, don't you think? This was a very sad time for our country.
How do you think Lincoln could just have put an end to slavery before it got out of control? There are lots of good web sites about the civil war. Maybe you could find the answers to your questions there.
I am really proud of the effort you put into blogging! What would be your favorite topics to blog about and why?
Mrs. C
Posted by: Mrs. C | January 15, 2007 at 09:16 PM
Hi M. V.,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and questions on this very difficult topic. You mentioned that this topic is important because you should learn from your mistakes. I think you are absolutely right!
When you find the answers to your questions, I hope you'll share them with us on your blog.
Posted by: Lani | January 22, 2007 at 03:50 PM
I think that Lincoln and Slavery are two very important topics. Why do you think Lincoln despised slavery, yet wouldn’t support abolitionists? I agree that we should know our past and learn from our mistakes. What do you mean by “what they did to those who passed away?”
Posted by: Blythe | February 11, 2007 at 04:57 PM
Dear Mrs.C
I agree with you Mrs.C I think we should be able to solve problems without fighting.
Posted by: M.V. | February 16, 2007 at 09:11 AM
Hi Lani,
I like social studies and other students think it's boring what do you think?I also ask do you know anything about Jackie Robinson?
Posted by: M.V. | February 16, 2007 at 09:13 AM
I meant to post what happend to those who died in the war?I also want to know why he didn't support them if he didn'tlike it?
Posted by: M.V. | February 16, 2007 at 09:18 AM