In Science I have learned about diffrent types of Landforms in science.Defintions of some landforms were Core-The inner layer of Earth.Deposition-The process of dropping or depositing sediment in a new location.Fault-A break or place where piecees of the Earth's crust move.Earthquake-A shaking of the ground caused by the sudden release in the Earth's crust.Wethering-The process of breaking rock into soil,sand,and other tiny pieces .Mantle-layer beneath Earth's crust.Fossil-The remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock.Landform-A physical feature on Earth's surface.I also learned that land isn't still it actually moves all around you you just can't see it though.We also watched some clips and videos on landforms.One day I want to be a scientists.If you have a problem in science it's okay just comment me and I'll start you're lesson.Okay back to class more about science is coming up.Everybody has a sharpened pencil keep on copying dowm these definitions.Continental Drift- the theray how continents move surface.Volcano-A montain formed by lava and ash.The last definition Magma-Moltenrock from Earth'score.Untill next session now that the class has finished I want you to keep your notes next the final exam.Please class do study your words and definitions.
Credit to Scout from Open Clip Art Libray
Wow, you sure know a lot about geology. Have you always enjoyed studying geology, or is it a new passion? Have you studied the history of any particular volcanos and the effects of eruptions on climate? How about the history of Pompeii? I bet you will be fascinated with that city. If you do a Google search of Pompeii, I bet you will find some amazing pictures.
Posted by: Blythe | April 16, 2007 at 09:17 AM
Dear M.V.
What a scientist you are! I must confess and admit that science comes very hard for me. Your definitions were well-written so that I could understand them. Why, you even included the graphics to explain what you were saying. You impressed me with your position as a professor. It is easy to see that we have a brilliant scientist or professor in the making. I'm curious. Do you want to teach science when you grow up or would you rather be out in the field doing the experiments and research? There are good points to both. Hmmm...I wonder if there is some way to combine teaching AND the experimenting part...
Posted by: Cordelia | April 16, 2007 at 12:22 PM
Hi M.V.,
What a great post and I love that you're teaching and accepting questions on science.
For my lesson, please, can you help me understand why they have so many serious earthquakes around San Francisco?
Posted by: Lani | April 23, 2007 at 08:45 PM
Have you ever heard the saying if you know reading you know all well some of that is true and scieence isn't hard if you try to relate to something your good at and comment back for more tips in science and there is a way you could combine teaching and expirementing for my next post I will show I promise.
ProfessorM.V. Blasting Off
Posted by: M.V. | April 27, 2007 at 10:47 AM
I'm going to make your questions dissapear by answering them by making a new post.
Posted by: M.V. | April 27, 2007 at 10:50 AM
I hav e never studied Pompei but I put it on my must styudy and research list can you give me an idea on making a new post.
Posted by: M.V. | April 27, 2007 at 10:53 AM