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April 13, 2007



Well, thanks for tipping your hat off to me. It's really nice.

Anyways,using figurative language is a very good tip. I think that if you use figurative language, it would show people all over how smart you are and more people would take you seriously.

Sometimes, when I edit using "Word", it can get slow sometimes. But, that's just computer problems, so I just let it slide when stuff like that happens.

Like I said in my post, my worst problem with blogging is SPAM. SPAM is just some comments that companies leave on peoples blogs. They are almost like advertisements.

I also feel very good when I get comments. It's like people all over the world are reading what I have to say. Although, just because you don't get any comments, it doesn't mean that people aren't going to your blog. I just checked my blog and I already have 391 hits.

Well, you have a very well done blog and I, Derek from Mr. Fishers' class, tip my hat off to you.

Tyler (Aka PooF all Mighty)

I think this a really well done post.
One thing I would change would be the background color of your text...
If you want, you can visit my blog and see the comments I did about the questions.
Well Time to go, talk to you next time!
Keep bloging!

Tyler (Aka PooF all Mighty)

I think this a really well done post.
One thing I would change would be the background color of your text...
If you want, you can visit my blog and see the comments I did about the questions.
Well Time to go, talk to you next time!
Keep bloging!


Did you click the post button twice or was it a gremlin?Thanks for the comment though.Can you get some friends to comment on my posts I would really appreciate it.



391 hits is very impreesive I'm pretty close to it so watch out because I'm coming up.

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