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January 30, 2007



Hi Michael,

I think you are so fortunate to have your Mom in your corner helping you!! You and she have a great system! I really like how you are using technology to assist you in your learning. I think your Mom is really smart with the no video game rule too!

Since you included her email, would you mind if I emailed her to let her know how much I like your blog and her helping you with your learning?



Lani, I will let you e-mail my mom she will not mind. I saw Harley's blog and it inspired me to draw a picture of a samoyed puppy and a lab mix as a picture. Do you know what a samoyed is?


Lani, I have no problem with you emailing me. Just include something in your subject line to let me know who you are or I might delete it as spam. By the way, Harley was a hit in my house!


Hi Michael,

Yes I do and here's proof:

I'd love to see your drawing. Is Sparky part Samoyed?

And Mom, I emailed before I got to these comments! :-) I'm sure Sparky is loved just as much if not more than Harley is here! Harley believes he's a real family member, does Sparky?




I do not know if she is part Samoyed but I have an uncle who has a brown Samoyed that was born on April 27 which is my birthday too! She is a female named Kie and she dusts dusty stuff with her tail. I am going to put a picture of her on my next post.


Miss Kay

Michael you are very lucky to have a mother who supports you so much with your homework. As a teacher, I wished that my students had more support at home. Actually, when I was young I use to despise when my mother made me study my multiplication facts. However, when teaching second grade students and noticing their lack of speed and knowledge on multiplication facts I thought thank God for my mothers support. So, if you ever feel discouraged just remember she is doing this for your own good. Michael, I need your advice what kind of tips does your mother share with you that I can perhaps share with my second grade students?


miss kay, one of my moms tips is that i should not get cocky on reading and writing crts.

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