My Mom helps by asking questions that improve my writings. In blogging she gives me tips on writing to go with the questions. She also spices up my writing in better words. She not only helps me in writing but also other subjects like math. In math she told me how to tell time on a clock with hands and now I under stand it. I now can finish my homework in 15 minutes and then play with my sister now.
Another way that I help Michael with his schoolwork is my “No Video Game” rule.
Michael is not allowed to play video games Monday through Thursday. Instead, he must write out multiplication tables after he finishes his homework. Hopefully, this will help him with his Speed Tests.
This is how my mom helps me. I also help myself by working on the computer. We send e-mails from our house to Ms.A's computer so I won't have to redo my work. I use technology for my problems.
Hi Michael,
I think you are so fortunate to have your Mom in your corner helping you!! You and she have a great system! I really like how you are using technology to assist you in your learning. I think your Mom is really smart with the no video game rule too!
Since you included her email, would you mind if I emailed her to let her know how much I like your blog and her helping you with your learning?
Posted by: Lani | February 04, 2007 at 07:35 PM
Lani, I will let you e-mail my mom she will not mind. I saw Harley's blog and it inspired me to draw a picture of a samoyed puppy and a lab mix as a picture. Do you know what a samoyed is?
Posted by: Michael | February 06, 2007 at 09:51 AM
Lani, I have no problem with you emailing me. Just include something in your subject line to let me know who you are or I might delete it as spam. By the way, Harley was a hit in my house!
Posted by: Mom | February 08, 2007 at 11:53 AM
Hi Michael,
Yes I do and here's proof:
I'd love to see your drawing. Is Sparky part Samoyed?
And Mom, I emailed before I got to these comments! :-) I'm sure Sparky is loved just as much if not more than Harley is here! Harley believes he's a real family member, does Sparky?
Posted by: Lani | February 08, 2007 at 10:08 PM
I do not know if she is part Samoyed but I have an uncle who has a brown Samoyed that was born on April 27 which is my birthday too! She is a female named Kie and she dusts dusty stuff with her tail. I am going to put a picture of her on my next post.
Posted by: Michael | February 09, 2007 at 06:00 PM
Michael you are very lucky to have a mother who supports you so much with your homework. As a teacher, I wished that my students had more support at home. Actually, when I was young I use to despise when my mother made me study my multiplication facts. However, when teaching second grade students and noticing their lack of speed and knowledge on multiplication facts I thought thank God for my mothers support. So, if you ever feel discouraged just remember she is doing this for your own good. Michael, I need your advice what kind of tips does your mother share with you that I can perhaps share with my second grade students?
Posted by: Miss Kay | February 11, 2007 at 04:41 PM
miss kay, one of my moms tips is that i should not get cocky on reading and writing crts.
Posted by: michael | March 02, 2007 at 11:33 AM