Once upon a time there were 50 monkeys flying a ship from star wars and are armed with blasters. They landed in new york right next to the Empire State building. The people were going to Star bucks to get a new kind of vanilla Coffee, hojo, kaffa, kahveh, qahwah, latte, mocha, java, joe, and coffea. The monkeys saw a abandoned nacho stand and had prelunch after breakfast snack time. When the people got coffees they called 50 flying cars. The farmers went back to farming. When the people went in the empire state building with motor cycles the monkeys were having laser target practice on the Buffalo named Flicka which the laser bullets kept on ricocheting off Flicka and hitting the windows and luckily he was asleep. The monkeys then shot the windows instead. When the people left the building the war began. The monkeys had army tanks and helicopters why the people had starships and hot dog guns.The monkeys helicopters shot out mustard and ketchup on the hot dogs. When the war ended the whole city was in ruins. the people had a truce with the monkeys and made monkitropolis and kongri-la for the monkeys. The people rebuilt the city buffaloes started to sprout wings and fly and the people and monkeys lived happily ever after with a llama city next to the monkeys city. The end
Photo Courtesy of Chris
Hi Michael,
I am really glad to read your ending! I like "happily ever after" endings--
How did you come up with all the ideas you've incorporated into your story?
Posted by: Lani | March 19, 2007 at 09:49 PM
Hi Michael,
That was a great story. I could picture everything that was happening. You have quite an imagination! Maybe someday, one of your stories could be made into a movie. Wouldn't that be something!
Your friend,
Miss Linda
Posted by: Linda Uhlig | March 20, 2007 at 08:51 AM
Miss linda, I also think it should be a movie. You should read fight of the monkeys 1 on my november post.
Posted by: michael | March 20, 2007 at 09:25 AM
Lani, the picture loooked like the empire state building and inspired me to put it in that setting. What was your favorite part
Posted by: michael | March 20, 2007 at 09:27 AM
Hi Michael,
My favorite part is the ending! You've done a fine job with that and I like happy endings!
Posted by: Lani | March 21, 2007 at 11:26 AM
I do to Lani, but relly I found the coffes on a google page. do you like any of these kind: Coffee, hojo, kaffa, kahveh, qahwah, latte, mocha, java, joe, and coffea?
Posted by: michael | March 22, 2007 at 11:37 AM
You're great on the action narrative - but do you know what I miss? Some description! I like to be able to picture where the story is taking place, so that I don't actually need a picture because I can create them in my head and have the same pictures as you have.
Posted by: chris | March 23, 2007 at 11:00 AM