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December 12, 2006



I loved this Song or Peom or whatever it is you can get back to me and tell me what it is. by the way my name is Amanda. I would really like to be your friend.


I love this song because because you were creative and used alot of voice. I would also like to know if you made this up or you copyed it off of a friend or someone else. I tis Amanda agian and as I said before I would really want to be your friend!!! I know what you are thinking that why is this girl is commenting to you over and over agian it is just that I really like this song. I would like to know what state you live in. I love your blog it is so well oganized and I love the colors and everything else that is there.By the way like I said before I would relly like to be your friend.


Yes I will be your friend. Well this song was not copeyd of of any one it was off a site for christmas songs if you would like to go to this site go here look at the top of my post above the heading and it will be underlined.
Just to let you know I live in Conyers it is a city.

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