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January 12, 2007



Hi Lindsey,

It really sounds from your post that you do love math!! I love your analogy!

I also learned geometry in math; it would have been much more fun if I had been able to use the computer on an activity like this one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/maths/shape/14_act.shtml

What do you think?



Hi Lindsey!
I am Anna and I'm from Canada. In math we are learning about perimeter, area, circumference, and radius of shapes. Do you use geometry sets in your math class? Your writing made me think of when I was doing Geometry earlier in the year. Sometimes I get confused with finding the missing number in shapes. Do you guys do finding the missing number? Your writing made me form an opinion about why we learn math. I think we learn math because the majority of jobs in the world have to do with math. Why do you think we learn math? If you would like you can go to my blog at : http://annar.learnerblogs.org/


Hey lindsey,

I read your blog about how you are doing geometry in your class right now. We are doing the same thing in our math class. Most of the time I don't get it but I'm just that way with math. Well I gotta go it's almost time to go for lunch.



Hi Anna,

Actually we do not learn hidden numbers in math. I am only in 5th grade so we basically do the easy things.



Hi Josh,
What grade are you in? I am in 5th grade. In geometry we are learning about angles and shapes. It could be fun but it is very boring.


Hi Lindsey,

There's no way to leave a comment on your snowy house post so I'm leaving it here!!!

Harley does like to play in the snow when it's not too deep or too cold. When we have over 15 inches of snow, he has trouble bounding through it (getting old you know).

Have you ever had an opportunity to play in the snow?




This website shows you how to name shapes. I think that it will really be a good resource for little kids.

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