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May 22, 2007



Hi Rosalinda,

Wow! I really love the comment you left on my blog! And I'm so glad you'll be blogging some more. I'm sure we have lots more to talk about.

I told my mom and she said she would be reading your blog too!

Please tell Mia, Victoris, and Anni that the poem they wrote absolutely "rocks". My mom and dad laughed and laughed and then my mom wrote about it on her blog! Thanks!

Tell everyone happy summer for me! Take good care and be safe--



Harley thank your mom for me please.
I did told them what you said and i envited them to come to my house and comment to you and to your mom from my computer.

Blogg-ya later


Hi Rosalinda!

Thanks for stopping by my blog to say Hi! You are so thoughtful!

How is summer for you? We are enjoying watching vegetables and flowers grow-- and no snow!


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