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January 04, 2007



Hi Eddie,

What a good project! I had not heard of it. Thank you for sharing.

I see that you added a few more details to your post after reading Dustin's blog. And that you reinforced your posting by using the color red in your font and by linking to the project red manifesto.

You're becoming a more accomplished blogger as you add to the thoughts of someone you read, link to their work and related information! Congratulations!

What do you think of this project? Will you be participating?




I think that the project red will be a succes. It is a good way to get medicine to the people in Africa. Matter a fact I wil be p-articipating in the project red program. Will you?


Hi Eddie,

I'm glad to hear of your participation! You will be contributing to a very good project! I'll be watching for the project to add additional products and contribute as best I can!

Is this project worth your taking effort to promote throughout your school or is everyone already aware of it?



Everyone is not yet informed about project red, but I have some friend that are girls. (They spread rumors fast)A lot of people in my class already know about project red and how they help the people in Africa with aids. I hope some of the people in my class will help out in the project red program. In a week the medicine that we got is going to be shipped to Africa.


Dear Eddie,
I read your post and I thought it was really insightful! I think it’s wonderful when kids (or adults) from different countries learn from each other through blogs and they can talk openly about serious issues like AIDS. Your post made me wonder how much Americans really know about Africa, which I think is a fascinating group of cultures. I also wanted to ask –do you often do research online about other countries? What countries are you most interested in? Thanks for reading my comments!
(student at Georgia State University)

I really like the title of your blog!


I just want to help out the little children in Africa. Those children are less fortunate than i am so i took part in it to help them out.

Do you like the idea of being in the project red program?
P.S: on the contrary I am a child.

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