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April 27, 2007



Hi Eddie,

I like your map showing where your comments are coming from. Isn't it neat that people from all over the world are brought together by bloggers like you? Our ideas and the ability to translate them into writing is a powerful tool.

I have a mapping gadget on my blog so I can see where people visiting my blog are located.

I also like to play with Google Earth. Have you ever tried it? If you go to http://earth.download.googlepages.com/ there is a good description and information about how to download it. (Always talk to your teacher or parent before downloading anything - safety first).

Bob Cotter

Thanks for "putting me on the map", Eddie. I like to visit your blog when I see it come up on my Google Reader account. Google offers some really neat tools for home and school use.

Like Carolyn said in her response, I use a different map tool on my blog. It is from Clustr Maps and automates the process.... though I can certainly see the educational value in doing this manually using your solution. It gets you to look at maps and identify the locations, great idea.

I'll try to remember to pass this idea on to some of the blogging students I work with.

Have a great weekend!

Beth Lepper

Eddie, I forgot how to put a pin on the map. You see I am a "technology immigrant" not a tech native like you. So if you could send me the directions or want to put the pin in for me..that works too. I live in Gurnee, Illinois. Our claim to fame is the Great America Theme park!

You are so lucky to have a teacher and a school that uses these neat technology programs for you to express your learning.

I work with Special Education students and I am always exploring new ways for them to learn and to express themselves in manner that does not require a great deal of reading and writing. So I loved the use of the pictures and videos and podcasts.

Many of our students have difficulty speaking and physical challenges that makes accessing a keyboard impossible. I have 2 jobs ..I am a Speech Pathologist and also I work with an Assistive Technology Team.

I will be back to see what else your class is up to.

Michael G.

Hello! I like the way you can track how many people have been to your blog. I have one of those on my blog website. The only thing that is different is that you can add it to your website and see it as it is. Go to http://www.clustrmaps.com. It also tracks how many people have been there and I think it is better. Try it and comment on how good it is. Thanks! bye.


Hi Eddie,

I think your map is pretty cool! I'm wondering if you can think of other ways you might be able to use google maps? Do you think it might be useful for a history or geography project? How might you use it out of school?


Mr. Powell

I am teaching my students in Delaware about blogging. I stumbled upon your site and liked your link to the map.

Keep up the good work.

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