I believe that we should have a music and dance program. We should learn about musicals and dances from other continents. For example we should have dance like Middle Eastern,Latino,salsa.break dance,etc. This is something I feel strongly about and here is why.
Firstly music helps different people clear their minds. Stress clouds you thinking and can cause a raise in blood pressure and music can help release that stress. It also helps you think allot better (The principal would like that). Studies show that most children that listen to soothing music has better grades and self control.
Secondly dancing gives you exercise and is an athletic activity. Dancing is a fun way to fight off obesity. Now the food and health departments are trying to stop obesity because they are losing money. Right now over 12 million children are suffering from childhood obesity. We need to protect our Generation and keep it healthy.
Lastly It opens our minds to new thing and it teaches us about our background connections to dancing . Music and dance tells a story in it's self of what your ancestors did. I think it is something that our ancestors left behind for us to learn.
It's what you think that counts but this is what I think. Is there something interesting that you want to share about your heritage or ancestral background.
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