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March 16, 2007



Hi Jhonny,

You've really got me wondering! Is it some sea creature with the double splash from a tail?? I would have said a whale so you taught me something!

I really like how you've thanked Chris for use of the photo and asked me to think about how this scene makes me feel. I personally happen to love the power of water to calm and soothe. So I'd like to be sitting and watching or walking and watching and enjoying!

Have you asked Chris what the picture is or do you know?



Dear,Lani I really do not know and I havent really asked him but you never know I also love the feeling of the ocean and the sound it makes me feel as warm as the sun


It's a whale! I posted it after seeing a bottlenose whale spouting and diving at the mouth of Loch Long, just where it joins the Firth of Clyde on the West coast of Scotland. See if you can find the area on Google Earth.


Thanks Chris for the picture i really enjoyed them i thought it was a whale but i was not really sure

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