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March 20, 2007



Hi Jhonny,

I can't wait to read what it's going to be! And I'm really in the dark-- I found the lyrics to a Rocky Top song; is that what you're going to use? But who? Can you give another hint?



Hi Jhonny,

I can't wait to read what it's going to be! And I'm really in the dark-- I found the lyrics to a Rocky Top song; is that what you're going to use? But who? Can you give another hint?



No lani i cant tell you you have to wait and find out i am not using the lyrics but i am using the song so wait till the end of the year

Ms. Outspoken

Ms. Outspoken's comments to The End of the Year is here.
I am a teacher and I can say that most of my student's feel that the end of the year is here also, even though we have 2 months of school to go! They have the summer itch, and well I have it a little bit also. Your project sure is mysterious. I think John Denver is who sang Rocky Top. Does it have anything to do with him? Does it have anything to do with Tennessee? You have got me hooked and I will have to check back to see your completed project. You seem excited about it, I hope you have fun!
Ms. Outspoken


Dear Ms.outspoken no it only ueses the tune that is it and I promise i will not tell wait to tune in

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