What Is that you say you say is it true really well cool. Oh Sorry it is just so cool it is the end….Of the year. Students have been waiting for the biggest break of the year and it is almost here. By the way the biggest break of the year is summer break. Can you tell because I can. All of this summer fever is so contagious how about you are you sneezing for summer or coughing for joy. Well this post is about to tell about my magical year of blogging.
Blogging was great this year there are few things I would like to change and one little thing is all the homework we got. But it all paid of when we got to do fun post like this one but homework is easy. All you have to do is write a few paragraphs and rewrite it on the computer and then you are done. But it is extremely fun to do stuff in blogging you can comment post and do wiki’s and they are really fun.
Comments are one of the most fun parts of blogging is commenting. Commenting is when somebody asks a question and you answer there question and ask them one that is how you welcome back conversation. And that means more comments and that is a good thing. Because of comments you can get advice and thanks for a good post and trust me I have had my share of tips.
Blogging has been a great experience and a fun time I have had hard times (hardly) and fun times (more then you can imagine). But what gets me every time is periods I my self think I have improved you tell me
Have I improved or was blogging a waste of time (just kidding). I hope you can blog and have half the fun I have had.
Blogging has been fun for me I hope this paper has convinced you to start blogging. Trust me it is allot of fun and excitement. Remember Summer Fever.
I can hear a song brainys reeling fingers drumming it is that summer feeling summer drumming summers coming when the bell rings we’ll be out the door keep singing that song
School’s out