Before you post your story proof read your story . Add alot of details and good words to make your story make sense. I proof read my story and every time when I stop in the middle of a sentence that tells me where to put a period.
One day my family and I were going to the beach over spring brake. We were about to past the beach. When we were going to past the beach we went over a bridge to see the ocean. We were about to turn in to our hotel. Our hotel was called Holiday Inn . Holiday Inn had a playground with a pool. The pool had a water fountain to. Then when the day was over and we had all of that fun. We were very tired so we went to bed very quick. It was 9.00 in the morning and it was Saturday and that was the day to leave. I was mad then my mom and dad and sister woke up then we went to the beach for about 30 min. We went swimming and made sand castles .We had a lot of fun. Then it was time to go home so we went home and tolled our hole family about it. We had a lot of fun.
Hi T.K.,
From your first paragraph and your title, I can see that you have learned lots about proof reading and making a good post! You have explained it well. Do you think explaining how to is easier than actually doing it? It is for me.
I'm wondering if you could add some extra descriptive words about the ocean to help me make a picture in my mind? Can you help me? What words would you use?
Posted by: Lani | December 11, 2006 at 02:35 PM
I think explaining is better because you can get it done faster . Thanks for commenting to me bye.
Posted by: T.K | February 16, 2007 at 11:27 AM
I think explaining is better because you can get it done faster . Thanks for commenting to me bye.
Posted by: T.K | February 16, 2007 at 11:27 AM