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March 16, 2007



Hi T.K.,

I really like the colors in this picture too. I can understand why you it's your favorite!

You mentioned you thought it might be bread on fire. Have you ever seen or eaten those desserts in restaurants that flame?



no i havent eaten won of those desserts before but they are very pretty.
But lani i wouldent eat that desert because i hate birnt stuff. The fire flaim is cool.
Lani dont you think the fire flaim is blue because it is so hot?


Hi T.K.,

I think you may be right, although you may want to be sure to ask your science teacher! I like the flame too!



Hi T.K.,

I asked an expert because I was afraid I gave you a bad answer and he said that the blue color was a result of the mix of sugars, potassium and calcium found in the plum because desserts really don't burn when they flame them. BUT that you had a correct assumption in the blue flame being from heat because that is true of natural gas. Your first guess was a good one, just not in this case.



I'll let you into a secret: it was brandy which was burning! It is quite scarey lighting it, but then you pour the flames over the pudding and enjoy the spectacular effects. The pudding tasted excellent, by the way!

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