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April 27, 2007



Hi Mary
My name is Kate and I am in Mr. Fisher’s class. You are a fantastic writer and you should write more often. Your posts are amazingly well done in my opinion. I love how you ask the question at the end of your post. The colour is great and I like your unique style if writing. I also like how you describe what a google map is. I would use a google map to locate a place in the world where I would like to study. The only thing I can say is that I think your writing would improve if your posts were a little bit longer, other wise keep up the good work!


Hey Mary
This is Toni from Mr. Fishers class. I would use my google map for my blog. I think that is great that you are learning how to use them. It is interesting that you would use yours to locate where the famous artist came from. Do you enjoy art?


Hi Mary,

I use google maps to guide my way to places I've never been before!

Does your family use them for trips and outings?



Yes, I do enjoy art! Tuesday I went to the "High Museum of Art"! What would you use yours for?

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