I am dedicating this post to Lani, Ms.A, Ms. C, Michelle, Chris, Lindsey, Catherine, and my other admirers that really care about my stories. Mostly Lani who has commented to me a lot. I want to thank them all for giving me advice about my spelling errors,puncuations,if I need to add more details to my story they will tell me. I don't know if the readers have notice but I try to write my tittles all mixed up.I try to make them interesting.My readers try to make me wonder about what I have written about, or what I meant to write. So once again thank-you.
Hi Mia,
I do notice your titles and they pull me to read your writing!
I'm so happy to have the opportunity to read your blog and put in my two cents worth every once in a while.
What a nice thank you-- One of my New Year's resolutions is to stop and thank people more for even little things.
Did you make any resolutions for the New Year?
Posted by: Lani | January 03, 2007 at 08:14 PM