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January 12, 2007



Hi Mia,

I loved this sentence about math: "Once you get use to something you really are in to,it is like you want to learn more about it and never stop."

What a wonderful way to feel about learning! And from what you say that goes for science too!

To what kind of a job or career do you think these interests will lead?



I don't think me liking science and math will lead in to any thing, because when I grow up I will really like to be an artist. But the years are still young and I can always change what I want to be. Yes, I do love learning a lot. I even wish that we can have school on Sundays and Saturdays. I wish that because I hate and I hate staying at home. All I do is chores, chores, chores, and chores. Though sometimes I get out a book to read. Before I go I would like to ask you a question. What did you want to be when yu were growing up and did you become what you wanted to be?


Hi Mia,

What a good question! When I was your age, I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. And I did become what I wanted to be! I was a teacher in high school and middle school for over 35 years. I never regretted the choice I made.

You are absolutely right when you that "the years are still young"; I know that you will find something just right for you, especially with your many areas of interest! Hmm, I wonder is there a career in which you could be an artist and include your interest in math and science--- Can you think of a way you could?



Hi Lani,
I thing my future career can put in some of my interst.Like I can use math in art to know how many mateirals I need and how many am going to use. Well, Science I think science will come in handy by mxing new colors,doing new projects that include experimenting things together. What do you think?


Hey Mia,
Guess what math is my second favorite subject to! But, my favorite subject is sience, because you learn a lot of new things that are happening in uor world.I know exacly what you mean when you say that you want to learn more and never stop.I learned all that too like a week ago, but know I'm learnig about fractions they are very interesting. Well I have to go know.


I am amazed that we both have things in common. I’m learning fractions too. I would like to learn more about you. Here are some question for you.
1. Do you like Rebelde?
2. Do you have a middle name?
3. How do you like our reading class?
4. What is you favorite song?
5. What is your favorite color?
I will answer you later.

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