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January 04, 2007


Mrs. C

Hi Mia,

I found myself wondering if you plan to go to college. Ashley has given you a lot to think about. Aren't you glad that you have a lot of time to prepare for this? I think the good thinking that you are doing now about what you are learning will help you make good decisions in whatever you choose to do in the future.

I am curious. Did you proof this post? I see some careless errors. Look at the title and see what can be improved. It is such a good title! Check the next to last sentence for one error. Try reading the entire post slowly out loud and see if you can catch any errors. There is so much good thinking on this post that I want you to make it perfect!

Did you like reading the eighth grader's posts? Why? What other kinds of posts would you like to read?

Keep up the good learning! I see improvement.

Mrs. C

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