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March 30, 2007


Mrs. A

Hi Mia, how are you? I love your Easter poems. You were have a talent for writing poetry. DO you have others on different topics. I'd love to read those, too.

Well, I hope everything at school is going ok. I miss you all. See you soon!


Hi MS.A,
We miss you a lot. I found out that you are coming in May 14. That is a far way from now.
I only did one poem the on that says:
The bunny is coming, the bunny is coming. Everyone grab your basket and go outside. Look up, look down, look all around. Look in between bushes, uner rocks, or on the ground. Don't miss a spot or else they will be gone.That is the only poem I did.The other poems I copy them from google. I really have to go. BYE-BYE


Hi Mia,
It's Rosalinda! I love the poems! you sure have a creative mind. So what were you thinking about when you made up the first poem? was it just easter or something else. You should see my blog and tell me what you think about it.



Hi Rosalinda,
I don't know what you mean about was it just easter or something else? About the first poem I was thnking about Easter.

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