I chose this story becuase I'm into soccer and I've been playing since I was 4. So I thought this would be interesting to blog about. Hope you enjoy.The 2000 Olympics started before the opening ceremony. U.S.A. beat Norway 2-0 before the opening ceremony. When the U.S.A walked in I bet the soccer players were tired and were proud to find out more go to TFK. See you later gotta go play soccer.
I didn't really think that Americans cared about soccer! Just shows you how little I know .....:-(
Posted by: chris | March 31, 2007 at 01:52 PM
Hi Emmy. I like soccer too. It really is a fun sport, and it is good exercise too. What else do you like to play?
Well, I hope everything at school is going ok. I miss you all. See you soon!
Posted by: Mrs. A | April 05, 2007 at 03:43 PM
Ms. Outspoken's Response to "Soccerfull" Kickoff
I really enjoyed your blog. I like the way you stated why you chose the topic. Your title aligned beautifully with your topic. I found it very entertaining how you get your audience hooked by giving them a little piece of detail from the story them referring them to another site. I also like how you closed out by saying you had to go play soccer, it fit in nicely. Good Job!
Ms. Outspoken
Posted by: Ms. Outspoken | April 15, 2007 at 05:49 PM