How was the Halloween parade this morning? Were you scared? Did you enjoy the music? I know the Kindergarten children were excited as they marched around the halls!
Now we're ready to blog! The first thing you want to do today is check your comments and reply. Make sure to answer all of them. Remember to use the person's name so they will know you are writing back to them. You sure have some good comments going back and forth. Then try using a comment starter with one of your peers. Try to end your comments with good thought-provoking questions that will continue the dialog.
Then you will spend time on your news stories and maybe even some Halloween stories will be written. We are at a good point now and can really get into the practice of blogging. We'll learn how to add pictures and links. It's going to be fun!
Take a moment and review the task part of our webquest. I am going to be working with you one by one so you can see how easy it is to add to the class wiki. Take a very careful look at the guidelines and in particular the traits of a successful blogger. That's what you really need to think about and be pondering what you can add to the conversation. I can't wait to see what you will add to the wiki!
Comments galore!
I just finished attending a K12 Online 2006 Fireside Chat with the preconference keynoter David Warlick. We used Eluminate Live software. This let educators from places all over the world gather in a virtual meeing place. It was cool. I would click on a little microphone to talk. My headset had an attached microphone that I used. Do you think it would be a good classroom activity to connect with a class, say in Canada or Scotland? What are some questions you might like to ask the students? What has been going on here in your class, town, county or state that you think would be worthwhile to share? Think about sharing, think about questioning.
by premasagar
Post those thoughts on a comment to this post. Remember, you want to think of thought-provoking questions that would help us learn more about how students from other countries learn. If you comment about what you would share, try to think of topics that would be of high interest. We're going to talk more about this in class.
Wow! Have you all received the comments this week! I can't wait for you to read them. It will be fun answering them. We'll also discuss some aspects of commenting and how to make the most of it! I'll share some thoughts about commenting with you on a wiki! Also, I will point you to the comment starter samples on our webquest. So the first order of business is commenting!
Posted on October 16, 2006 in Comments | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)