As a class we read "Two Questions" on Mr. Fisher's blog "Excellence and Imagination." His blog is from Canada. Mr. Fisher teaches eighth grade.
The two questions were about the difference between writing on paper and blogging. Both questions were about the students' interests about what they were learning. Mr. Fisher wrote like he was having a conversation with the students. He was trying to capture the students' interests so that maybe the students wouldn't goof off with their learning. He is keeping them engaged as they have fun with learning.
Question 1: Is blogging different from “regular” writing that happens on paper? If you think it is different, describe how. If it is not different, why not? How is it the same as writing on paper?
Lindsey is going to share what she thought about April's answer: April said that when you write on paper many people do not have a chance to read your writing. But everyone can read your writing when you blog. When you have your own blog you are able to type your opinions and express your feelings to everyone else.
Question 2: What is the advantage of having a personal learning network (PLN) filled with blogs that are mostly selected by you? How can it make learning different? Is it OK that we are all reading different things and learning different things? Are classrooms supposed to be about everyone learning the same thing?
We have read Mr. Fisher's blog and some of April's answers to Mr. Fisher's questions. There were 16 comments and Emmy thinks they will get a lot more. Jhonny thinks that they deserve a lot more comments because they gave such good, intriguing answers. Anni thought April's answer was really good and she is glad April took the time to put it all on her blog.
We're all off to read other students' blogs and then we will blog about their blog. Above all the interest that was coming from the students' blogging caught our interest.