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Bronwyn G

Hi Kirsten!

Better late than never!

I find it hard to think of topics too sometimes, but once I get there it is easy.

What sort of things do you enjoy writing about?

Steve H

Hi Kristen,

It's the opposite for me as it is for you. I can think of hundreds of topics, but picking one and getting started is the hard part for me. A famous writer once said "There is nothing so frightening as a blank page." I think we have that in common.


Hey, Dad!
I have that in common,too.

Bronwyn G

Well of course Emerson and Steve would have that in common as they are related.

I think lots of people are scared of blank pages. I'm scared of having more blank pages than written pages in my notebooks - which is always why I cover both sides of the paper.


Dear, Kristen

I’m in 5th grade, and I like your blog. I’m glad you got to do one, here are some tips:

Make sure the title is very good so people will read it.
Don’t use the same words over and over.
And try to have fun posting it!
Give many details.

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