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Julie Corey


Your statement about not judging a person by the way they look proves that you are a sensitive and caring individual. My suggestion is that if you ever become friends with a heavy person that you try to help that person understand that they may want to try to become less heavy for health reasons. Carrying a lot of extra weight puts pressure on a person's vital organs - heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. You seem like the kind of person that a heavy person might listen to.


Hi, Brianna. I like your post too. I agree that we should not make judgements of people based solely on their appearance, and I think you do a good job of trying to empathize with other people.

I see that you tried to put your post in the Verdana font and in the color orange. It can be tricky. If you would like, I can help you fix that. Let me know if you want me to help.

Keep up the good work.


font color="red">Whatsup Tim,
Thankyou for emailing me. Yes, I would like for you to help me fix that little problem. I will be doing some more research on more heavy individuals. I would like for you to keep giving me your opinion on my stories. I would love to hear from you again.



Hi Julie,
Thank you for emailing me. Kayla and I will continue to research on health issues. Also have you heard about the sniper? I think that he has some of the "devil" in him! That is so wrong what he is doing, taking innocent lives for no reason.
See you later,

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