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Hi Jennifer,

How are you doing? It is absolutely beautiful outside today (after much rain and dreary weather), and I can't wait to take my dog for a long walk!

I liked your commentary on drugs. Your first sentences grabbed my attention, and made a good point that there are both good and bad drugs. To answer your question, I think people take the bad drugs because they don't feel good enough about themselves, and don't feel like they deserve a better life than drugs can provide for them. Then, when they finally do start to feel better about themselves (if that happens at all), they are already addicted to the drug and cannot easily quit.

Keep up the good writing! Speak to you next week.



Dear Amy,
Thank you so much for your resonse. I wanted to thank you for your answer about why people take drugs. I've also been thinking about drugs. I think that people take drugs is that they want to be just like there friends if they smoke. They just want to be cool but they are really a fool. that is all I have to say! Happy Halloween.


Julie Corey

Hi Jennifer,

I don't know why any one individual would take drugs. Usually issues of this kind are very personal and involve feeling of unhappiness within a particular person. I do know that addiction to drugs is very unhealthy and if we come in contact with a person who might have a problem, we should do everything we can (or everything that person will allow us to do) to help, especially if the person is a friend or family member. You are also right that addition causes disease. Nicotine is especially troublesome because innocent bystanders can be harmed from second-hand smoke.

I am glad that you seem informed about this issue and hope that more treatment and prevention is used by those who need it.


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