Today our fifth graders were taking an important test in their classrooms so our fourth graders had a little, extra-special attention.
We discussed what had been happening on CNN Student News. They typed their Sensational Sentences on a word document. Jennifer had once again gone above and beyond by handing in a well-written story entitled "Scorpions Galore". Just the title itself makes me cringe! What was really terrific is that she wrote this story on her own. She received some top-notch help from her dad on the first story (accolades to Jennifer's dad for joining in on this process!) His help led her to her wonderful story that she submitted today. I will post her story and picture later when I return to Georgia State. I am posting this at school as the students work away on their computers. They are busy as bees! All the fifth graders had time for today was to type their sensational sentences. I will post all of the work tomorrow or over the weekend.
Parents, check out the buttons at the top left on How to Respond and What This Site is All About. Your children are ready and eager to have you participate so post responses as much as you would like. Just short, quick responses will be fine. Or if you feel like writing and sharing a longer post, that would be wonderful, too. We want to know what you are thinking and want to include you in this learning adventure.
Homework - 5 sentences in which you use new vocabulary words. I know you can even top those sensational sentences you wrote this week. These sentences will be spectacular!
Extra credit - What's an idiom? Do I have any in this news post? Maybe you could even include idioms in some of your new spectacular sentences. Give it a try! Always remember that the pen is mightier than the sword!
Great work, NewsQuest team!