Jimmy Carter was the U.S President in 1980. Since leaving the White House, he has traveled the world working for peace and fair treatment for all people. On October 11,2002 he was awarded the biggest prize of them all, the Nobel Peace Prize. In the year of 1982 Jimmy and his wife set up the Carter Center. The Center was built to promote human rights, democracy,and health care. He travels to the worlds most dire regions helping to make peace there. Jimmy Carter plans to give most of his $1 million prize to the Center so they can continue making peace.
Brianna Davis
Hi Brianna!
What a wonderful choice for your hero! I am so glad you picked someone involved with human rights. I think that is so very important. You included lots of good facts. You are a good thinker. Keep it up.
Have a good day today and I will see all of you next week.
Mrs. Davis
Posted by: Anne Davis | November 14, 2002 at 08:16 AM
Dear Ms.Davis,
Thankyou for responding to me. I can't wait to see you! I did all of my homework this week. I have one question for you, who is your hero? I will try my hardest to keep up the good work, and the great thinking.
Posted by: Brianna | November 14, 2002 at 09:56 AM