My hero is Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a
white man forty years ago on December 1,1955. It was when colored people were treated like dogs. I admire her because she stood up for what she believed in. I admire her braveness when she sat at the front of the bus. When she didn't get up she was arrested right then and there, but she did not care. She still stood up for what she believed in. Later, she had a a meeting with MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. I respect her determination. I think that she had alot of courage. Some day I wish that I would have enough courage, braveness, and determination as Rosa Parks does.
See you later,
Hi Kayla,
What a good story! Your choice of Rosa Parks is a good one. She truly did have courage, braveness, and determination. You brought in a lot of facts.
Have a good day today and write well. I can't wait to read it later. See you next week!
Anne Davis
Posted by: Anne Davis | November 14, 2002 at 08:21 AM
Kayla, I am very impressed with your choice.One thing people don't always think about when they say the word "Hero" is the fact most heros are scared like everyone else, they just decide to overcome their fear to perform acts of bravery and valor.
Posted by: Harry | December 01, 2002 at 11:16 PM
I too think that Rosa Parks is a hero also. I ride on MARTA a lot and I can tell you if the bus was crowded, and I was at the end of a very long and tiring day, I would not want to give up my seat on the bus either! Ms. Parks spoke for many people when she performed that act of civil disobedience. Her act, as well as the combinded acts of many people in the civil rights movement, helped shed light on the terrible conditions endured by many people of color. I hope you will expand your reading to include some of the other heroes of that time. We have many of them living here in Atlanta: John Lewis, Andrew Young and Joseph Lowery, just to name a few.
Keep up the good writing and I will be in touch soon.
Posted by: Julie Corey | January 22, 2003 at 07:55 PM
Hi, I am so happy that someone has posted me. NO one has posted me in a LONG time. I need to use better vocabulary words. I would love it if you could post me new vocabulary words that you think I wouldn't know, that way I could use them in my stories. I have to go.
Posted by: Kayla | January 30, 2003 at 09:01 AM