How do you say good-bye to such a fine group of students? Well, I just don't think I will because I know our paths will cross in the future. I have a feeling that all of you will go on and do some great things with your lives. I know I will be reading about many of you in future newspapers, and maybe even edublogs! It has been a joy to teach each and everyone of you and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
It has been a successful journey for us as we have explored possibilities for edublogs in education. We have learned much together! You have worked hard all year and I think you all have soared.
Remember to read, read, read....
Then reflect, think, contemplate, and ponder.....
And write, write, write!!!
I would like to say a special thanks to every parent. Your children have been an absolute pleasure to teach.
Mrs. Davis
Keep in touch...... [email protected]