I am sitting in the computer lab with the students as they type their second posts. Wow! Today was one of those great teaching days when all is right with the world. Everyone came with a big smile on their face and a story in their hand. The stories were well-written, and lots of good discussion flowed throughout the lab. The children were so excited and could not wait to share their stories.
Stories were exchanged and students were busy as bees highlighting yellow spashes on their partners stories. They eagerly scribbled suggestions and ideas in the margins about items that they felt need to be changed or worked on in some way. I moved about the group and made suggestions here and there. I was delighted with the topics, the caring and sharing spirit in the group, and the enthusiasm.
The thrill of knowing that someone is out there reading their work is really exhilarating to the students. They all comment on this and they absolutely cannot wait to see the responses from interested readers. Having an audience makes a difference.
I started to go over some of the writing tips I had posted but I could feel the anticipation from them à they wanted to get to their own personal reading and writing so I stepped aside. Enough teacher talk! They promised to read over the tips later.
It was marvelous watching them work. The students first answered those of you who have given responses to their first posts. Be sure to read them! A great big thank you to all of you who are participating as it is indeed making a difference!
Next, they typed their stories . They type their stories and then posted them. Then they proofed and had a partner proof so they could release their post. Some even had time to create an additional post to share their own thoughts about NewsQuest blogging. The content is outstanding and the grammar and punctuation skills are improving. Good writing is hard work. Remember to practice, practice, practice. Have fun with words!
Comments heard here and there:
Lindsay said she really liked having her paper proofed so she won't make a fool out of herself on the Internet. :-)
Emily said it is just so neat to have someone reading and caring about what you have written.
Lucy told me she was getting "thinking" wrinkles.
Derrick says he is thinking harder than he used to.
Dane says he is having a magnificent time and yet he's becoming a better writer at the same time.
All the students said they were beginning to really like writing. How about that? I had asked that question on day one and I think I only had one who liked to write.
I am proud all of you. You really bumped it up a notch today! Keep it up. I can't wait until next week.
The students' posts follow this so enjoy!
Persuasive pieces are next on the agenda. You won't believe the great topics they picked.