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Ms. Meeler

Yes Patrick, Harriet Tubman is an American hero who saved and helped many individuals. Did you know that she was hit in the head with an iron weight when she was 13 years old and had sleeping spells for the rest of her life? What other facts can you tell me about Harriet Tubman? Where was she born? When did she die?

Tiffany Davis

Hello. I am writing a reseach paper on Hariot Tubman for my African American History class. I was wondering if you could provide me with some web sites that could give me information on her.
my email is down at the moment so if you could write me in my web log that would be great. it is tiffl.blogspot.com. If you do not however, have the time I understand. thank you for taking the time to read this

Tiffany Davis

Tiffany Davis

Hello. I am writing a reseach paper on Hariot Tubman for my African American History class. I was wondering if you could provide me with some web sites that could give me information on her.
my email is down at the moment so if you could write me in my web log that would be great. it is tiffl.blogspot.com. If you do not however, have the time I understand. thank you for taking the time to read this

Tiffany Davis

Kelsie Boykin

My name is Kelsie and I am doing a prodject on Hariot Tubman for history. This is a really important gradem So if you have any ideas to help me reaserch my topic. Please E-mail me. Thanks for reading this. If you cant send any thing that will be ok.
Thanks alot,
Kelsie Boykin

glen bain

Hi, like most others I also have to do a project on Hariot Tubman. I'm not doing too good in history, but if I get a good grade on this paper that would be a good turning point for me. I pict Hariot, Tubman not on the fact that i'm an African American alone, but becaouse I heard she was a strong black woman.


remember to do reasearch

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