I've been in the weblog group for some time and I like it a lot. My teacher in this group is Ms. Davis. She is nice and I work in this class with other fifth graders. The main thing we do in the class is work on the computer and on our weblog. First thing we do is write down a topic in our own words. Next we check it all over and if we mess up we rewrite it and finaly post it in our weblog system. As soon as that is over and it is posted people wrote comments to me about my story. As soon as that's done, I get to answer their comments and they get to talk back to my answers to their comments. So, it's like having a conversation on the computer! Cool, isn't it? Maybe who ever is reading this should also join the webloggers too. I hope you do.
If you were in the weblogger group what would your first post be about?
My very first post is about working with such a great group of students and Ms. Davis! My weblog tells about my journey as I incorporate blogging into our school. So far it has been an awesome experience!
Posted by: Mrs. Meeler | January 05, 2005 at 01:38 PM
I think it is Very intresting About red star the deatails are splendid
Posted by: Joel | January 05, 2005 at 01:49 PM