On Thursday we got to do lots of fun things. We got to write about ourselves. I liked that because it looked like Ms. Davis was really interested in us. I liked that Ms. Davis said that we could get out of weblogs and she won’t think bad of us. I liked the weblog group so I’m not getting out of it. Ms. Davis said that we were there to improve our witing and that she will help us. We talked about bloom's taxonomy and that if we use it in our writing it will be better by the end of the year. We also got to see other weblogs that belonged to other kids. My partner and I liked one that said "spread your true colors". We liked it because it meant that you could be yourself. In one of the weblogs I liked a particular story that said that if movies for kids should have smoking. It might inspire the kids to smoke too. the article said that most kids did it because the pressure from their friends. Their friends might tll them that is cool even though it’s not. She also said that we will have our own weblogs. We will write about current events and other kids from next year can make comments on it. Over all I liked the weblog group and I’m eager to go back.