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Paulina, I am amazed at the wonderful and very encouraging advice you have given me. I am very excited about becoming a teacher and it is students like yourself that make me want to teach even more. You must be a very smart and responsible young lady. You have made some great tips for future teachers and I appreciate your advice dearly. Thank you so much and continue to be thoughtful and caring of others. Have a great year! I hope to talk to you again. Miss Ebanks.

Elizabeth Smolyar

Paulina, thank you so much for the wonderful advice. I am interning in a 5th grade classroom right now and enjoying every minute of it. I am very excited about becoming a teacher and I can't wait to finally have my own classroom! Your advice is wonderful for all future teachers! Have a wonderful year!
~ Mrs. Smolyar


I am so glad that the students liked my post and it's great that they are going to take my advice.


Mrs. Ebanks, I'm glad that you liked my post and hope that other people take my advice. When I wrote it I thought that nobody would take my advice, but I'm glad you did.Thank you for the nice comment.

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