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Paula Willis

You sound like a very vivacious young woman, Paulina. Talking with friends is a wonderful way to share ideas and learn new things! Do you and your friends ever play Scrabble? THAT is my favorite game! Enjoy your writing, talking, and playing!

Sincerely, Paula Willis ( a friend of Mrs. Davis)


Sometimes we do play scrable.Thank you por the comment.

Pat Street

Hi, Paulina!
It was fun to read about what you do with your friends. I'm so glad you often play games together instead of just being "couch potatoes" in front of the TV! I enjoyed your thought that it would be fun to have a job where you could spend all day with your friends. I have had jobs that started out with me not knowing anybody there, but after a short time all my co-workers became my friends, so each job turned into the job you're describing! Some days, it was even more fun being at work than being at home! It also helps if you like the work you are doing, of course. :-)
Friends are one of the best things in life.
Keep having fun!
Pat Street


Hi my name Sam I read your blogg I like to also spend time with my friends.

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