Respect for Others: altruism: concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others
Respect for others is based on self-respect. It really is following the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. It is the value that makes the world a more decent and civilized place.
You can show respect in many ways. You speak politely and don’t hurt people’s feelings by saying unkind things or making fun of them. You show good manners and care about other people. You treat others fairly and you think it is good to share.
You know how to show tolerance to people who share different beliefs.
As a respectful person, you see everyone as a person with rights, regardless of their race, sex, age or ethnic group.
What does respect mean to you? I'm going to adapt Aretha Franklin's song about respect. Remember, she sang.......
Find out what it means to me
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