J. H. House was recently visited by a team of educators from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools as a part of our five-year self evaluation. What a wonderful opportunity to showcase the overall atmosphere of good citizenship here! As our guests were arriving, one student fell in the hallway. Immediately he was helped up by one friend while another friend picked up the spilled items from his book bag. That is truly showing compassion and a willingness to help others. A number of students saw black marks on the floors of the hall and immediately began to remove them. It was quite evident to our guests that the students here take great pride in the cleanliness and the appearance of our building. Students were very respectful of others as they talked softly in the cafeteria. One of our guests commented that it was a pleasure to eat with our students because they used such nice lunchroom manners. One thing for sure is that J. H. House students always rise to the occasion, and this time was no different.
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