Dependability – the ability to be counted on and trusted.
Are you a dependable person? Read the following traits of a dependable person and think about whether you can answer yes or no. You can do this silently . So here goes! Think yes or no.
- I keep promises.
- I do what I say I will do.
- I arrive at school on time.
- I do not need a reminder to get a job done
- I can be counted on to have the materials needed to get jobs done.
- I can work with others to see that things get done in our classroom to make it a good place.
- I finish what I start.
- I am viewed as a person who keeps their word.
I hope you said yes to all of them. If you did, congratulations! If not, just decide today that you will work hard and become a dependable person. I know you can change. It just takes a little perseverance.
Did you know that being reliable is another way to express that a person is dependable? This week we are going to have fun being “Dependability Detectives”. What that means is that when you spot someone being dependable you will write a very nice comment and tell what they were doing. I can’t wait to read your comments. One of the reasons J.H.House is such a special school is that it is full of dependable children! So detectives, get to work and have a great day!
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