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Mrs. Meeler

What a great post Ms. Roper! I agree with you and your students that obesity is a huge problem in our country. Did you know that Georgia is the "fattest" state in the U.S.? And some counties are still cutting PE programs!

Well, I definately love to be active too. My favorite sports are softball and tennis. I recently joined a tennis team, and we play on Sunday afternoons. Unfortunately, I haven't played golf since Chloe was born, but I hope to get back swinging soon. Another one of my all time favorites is water skiing!


I'm ative every day playing with my dog.


I am an active person. One thing ,or person ,really makes me active.My brother is enough excersize for me!


This topic is a thing that should be talked about. I think child obesady should be delt with.


Dear MS.ROOPER SO you what to known what move me . Muise,moves me.


it was oustanding! I agree with your speech so much!I love to exersize!


Ms.Roper I love to exersize it's fun. Some people think it's nasty & you get sweedy & smell.But I don't care.So keep exersizing.


Ms. Roper,

Great teachers like you move me! I love this website and will send it to everyone I know.



DEAR MRS.Hoppor yeah i love excerise i exercise every day It 's fun. I play, I run in P.E.I do relace race. Will bye

brineisha hill


DEAR MS. Roper. DO you want to know what moves me. IT is music . thanks for asking everybody.


Mrs. Roper

Thank you for letting us have field day. I bet everybody thinks that is the best thing about school.

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