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Ms.Roper I'll check out that website.For my
brother Joshua.


I think i wasjust tot a lesn tnink you for sead that letters


Dear Mrs. roper yor the best teacher in the
world. I'm so glad about


I can't wait til' field day. It's to bad that I won't see you next year because you are the best teacher in the world. Since field day is around the corner i want to ask you may i be a helper pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease. I would like to help. Just in case you get this comment before field day and you say yes I am in Mrs. Henning class which you probaly know and my name is Angel.


Ms. Roper I am glad to have field day. IT is fun and the thing I like is that We don't have to do school work.


I remember one day when i was in Pre-k I saw a kid who was helping his teacher by picking up the water pieces while every one else got in line. I thought that was so nice. Don't you?


Field Day is one of the best things at the end of the year. i will enjoy it. Than you.


Ms. Roper,

I love Field Day. Since I was in Kinder-Garden I have loved it. And now that I'am in fifth grade I still love it.

Bye ,


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