Wow! You have certainly been getting a lot of comments from your readers. Isn't
that great? We send a great big shout of appreciation to all the readers who are commenting on the students' blogs. Each and every comment is valued and appreciated. Students, I know you are anxious to answer all of them but once
again time flew by. Wouldn't it be grand if we could devote a whole day to blogging?
As I walked around the class, I noticed how
thoughtful and diligent you were about reading each comment. Then I
could see you thinking about a response before you began to actually
post a reply. That's great! Also, as you get faster with your typing,
you will get more done. Remember to use both hands like you learned in
keyboarding class. Don't worry, we will get to respond to the comments
as we can.
We had a good discussion about many of the things you have learned about blogging. You have been good listeners and I love the questions you ask. We are all learning together. You seemed really intrigued about the Voicethreads project which we will continue working on next week.
Mrs. Emmert told me that you were talking about persuasive essays in class. Hmmm, that might be a good topic for a blog post. What topics would you be interested in tackling? Can you think of issues that you feel strongly about that? Do you have enough facts and logical thinking to convince others to see the issue as you do? Be thinking about this.
As you continue to blog, be thinking about your learning. This means looking back and thinking about what you have done, how you could improve it, what you need to understand it better, and basically what works for you. We'll share our ideas on how we learn best and use our blogs to try to improve.
Have a great week! See you next Tuesday!
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