Yep, it's true. Time flies when you are having fun. Don't you agree? It seems that our blogging sessions just race by and our time in the lab is never long enough!
I could tell that you enjoyed reading the comments you received. We had new comments from the University of Regina mentors. Check out Meg's Weblog. Millie Beans was a big hit!
shared that the main groups that affected her life were Royal Canadian Air Cadets,
Horizon Winds, Canadian Girls In Training, and many school activities. She said all of these activities taught her how to interact with others, and how
being a part of something makes a huge difference in ones life. I bet she will find blogging with others can make quite a difference, too. It is wonderful to make connections with others.
Amber created AMERRIT's WEBLOG and we learn all about her family and see some incredible snow pictures on this post about her Thanksgiving weekend. Wouldn't we love to see some snow like that here in Georgia?
More beautiful snow pictures form Courtney Lee's Blog. You need to read her post on The view from my kitchen table.... to see some good descriptive writing. She made her work space come alive! (Tell me how she did that next week, OK?)
I'll post more student blogs as they share. Wow! These students are just starting blogging themselves. They are using lots of neat tools - we will too as the year progresses. I enjoyed reading your posts about your fall break holiday. Can't wait till next Tuesday!
Update: Hot off the press! Here is Lindsay's blog entitled Linz1212's Weblog. I want you to take a look at her VoiceThread story. Lindsay said, "I made created a real story with a fairytale beginning and ending." I think you will enjoy it! This may be a project that we have to get involved with - what do you think?
So when we meet next week let's all give a rousing Georgia greeting through some interesting, informative, and remarkable comments to these thoughtful, creative, and clever Canadian bloggers - Meg, Lindsay, Amber, Courtney, and Kristine!
Flickr Photo Credit: Perhaps some joy... from paulo zapel's photostream
Celebrating Comments
I can't wait to see you tomorrow. It looks hopeful that we can really devote some time to answering our comments. I have some tally sheets ready for you that will expedite the process. We have been hearing from Canada, China, and many different states in the U.S. A class in China has connected with us. They will be interesting to network with and we will learn a lot from each other. Remember your comment starters - you may want to try using some of them and let your commenters know how much you appreciate hearing from them.
We will try to get to our Voice Thread project, too. We persevere! Aren't the students from Mr. Shareski's class great? They have been faithful to comment to you. And Harley has been on a number of blogs! He too is faithful. So show your appreciation with some dynamite comments! Have fun and if you need help with anything just let me know.
Posted by Anne Davis on November 10, 2008 in Comments | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)