Do you think that people should do BAD drugs? Well, I sure don't!!! There are severe consequences if you do them. There are great rewards (to me) if you do not do them. Remember, I am talking about BAD drugs.
One consequence is death because of heart disease, lung disease, cancer, and other things to do wth your organs. Did you know that when you do drugs, you are killing your brain cells? Someone might get into a car crash because of driving under the influence of alcohol (or another type of drug).
People become addicted to the drug that they are doing!!! Most of the time people think the drugs will make them feel 10 times better, but it only makes them feel 100,000,000 times worse!!! People spend about 1,000 dollars on drugs each year. If you ask me,... it's a waste of money!
Another consequence of doing BAD drugs is that you will look like you just crawled out from under the bed!!!!!!! You could even be put into jail.
Now, I ask you to please not do BAD drugs. They could ruin your life by putting you in harms way and they could possibly TAKE your life away. Make the wise, knowledgable, and smart choice,... and don't do BAD drugs!!!
Please write back and tell me how you feel about BAD drugs.
Shelby, I totally agree with you - drugs are bad! It is a problem in our country that we have not been able to solve. How do you think we could get people to stay away from drugs?
By the way, you have done a great job proofing your work. You are not only a good writer, but consciencious as well. I like that!
Posted by: Mrs. Davis | November 11, 2004 at 03:36 PM
i think that drugs are fact all the stuff u just said is so ture...but im just wondering why do u no so much about drugs...are u a pilice or samething..will i wont to no what eles can happen because i hAVE A SPEECH to do and i need as much info on drugs(bad drugs).will if u have more info on drugs please email me....
Posted by: crystal | January 09, 2005 at 03:20 PM
I agree with you on drugs and stuff becous my grammpa smoked and he died of lung cancer and my parrents smok and i have asma becous of seccond hand smoking and sorry for the spelling im not a great speller lol
Posted by: dylan | March 04, 2005 at 02:41 PM
Posted by: Kaitlin | March 16, 2005 at 12:10 PM
Posted by: Kaitlin | March 16, 2005 at 12:11 PM
say nope to dope!
Posted by: coadi | April 04, 2005 at 08:31 AM
dear Shelby...
i agree with you my grandmother passed away because of drugs..and well my mom is dying because of them...and well i can't lose another family i'd like to tell everyone in the world please don't do drugs!!.. thx for your time shelby!!
Posted by: Stacey | April 09, 2005 at 08:51 PM
drugs are cool i totaly disagree with you you are so retarded
Posted by: Me | February 22, 2006 at 10:59 AM
fuck you niggers, smoke weed everyday!
Posted by: David Allen Coe | April 07, 2006 at 12:36 AM
hey r drugs good or bad
Posted by: jessdog360 | September 06, 2006 at 09:44 PM
Posted by: sam | September 15, 2006 at 10:53 PM
the goddamned terrorist shitbags are financing their war against us by the profits made from selling the opium that they grow in afghanistan.everyone knows this.we allow this everytime someone buys a bag... of whatever. since the bleeding heart laws won`t let us kill these fuckers we gotta stop being weak and buying dope,no shit.i don`t know why anybody would want to do business with someone who wants to kill them ,but that`s whats really going on.
Posted by: pcl | September 20, 2006 at 11:23 PM
first of all i would like to start out by saying that you are a fuckign retard whith the iq of a dog. you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about and you just mirror back all the stupid shit the majority and the authorities tell you. people like you deserve to be put into prison, being so retarded should definetly be a crime. by the way did you know that thousands of people a year die form being retarded. they do all kids of things that can get themselves killed, why isnt the police taking care of them and stopping them from killing htemselves? dont you think that they should be treated in jail and when they come out they should be waaaay better.BAAAAD DRUUUGGGSSS BAAAAAAAAD. NOOOO DRRUUuuuuuUUUGGGSSSS nNOOOOO!
Posted by: progeria | September 27, 2006 at 07:23 PM
Drugs are good and bad depending on how you use 'em. Drugs are good to use lightly, they make you feel good and can take pain and stress away from your everyday life. Drugs are bad if you abuse them daily. If you take them everyday just to get hi, u gonna get stupid with it. You're gonna get your ass busted. Basically, just be sneaky and try not to get caught. Jail is a mother fucker! Also, remember drinkin is fun but have a DD. Don't drink and drive smoke and fly!!!!
Posted by: Lea | October 03, 2006 at 11:14 PM
what the hell is wrong with all of u? drugs are bad!!!
shrooms=could be bad if to many
alcohol=the worst drug!!!!
do you all see a pattern??
natural =good
manmade = bad!!!
ps to everyone who drinks alcohol
or is loaded up with MAN MADE pharmacudical DRUGS is a F-ing hypocrite!!
sorry 1 more thing
is the person who typed this 8?
because this sound like what teachers were telling me when i was 8. so to the person who wrote this if your like 8-11 very good job but very weak evidence but if your older, well i feel sorry for you.
Posted by: jess | October 23, 2006 at 11:08 AM
A gurl u right bout them drugs my teacher told me that her brother did drugs till know and has no place to live and eat
Posted by: maricarmen lara | October 23, 2006 at 06:18 PM
what the hell is the matter witt sum yall you retarded? drugs can take your damn life away and yall that agree that drugs are bad good jobb yall are gunna live your life to dah fullest buh yall daht like drugs psh good luck..your life is ggunna goo doing my projects on drugs right me they aint good and they never will be
Posted by: dun wry | November 06, 2006 at 07:12 PM
the wrong drugs are usally a way out for people. they use them for relief and a way not to care. its something that you will see and deal with as you get older people turn to drugs for what they think will help. im not saying it will help but at times its just something yuo will do.
Posted by: Anoymous | November 15, 2006 at 02:08 PM
shelby i agree with you to some extent i mean, you have to relize some teens that do BAD drugs do it to get away from everything happing in there life, and dont do it just to get high...... and then agina some teens do it just to look cool and make people like them and thats wrong..... i have never done drugs but some of my friends do it all the time and they try to get me to do them but im never going to just because they tell me to ..... now if yall are considering alcohol as a BAD drug then heak yes it is.... my mom is a Alcoholic and i HATE it...... i mean if i could change the family i was out in to i would because of her she has ran off my sister and brother and they never have been there for my childhood and let me tell you there r things you would rather tell your sister than you mom and my mom ruin that for me
so yea some BAD drugs are really bad and some are horriable and so are just stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: shelby | November 15, 2006 at 02:27 PM
your right doing drugs are horribel
Posted by: TAwny | November 21, 2006 at 11:59 AM
You suck. =]
my friend trisha, she doesnt really agree with you but i woudnt blame her cuz shes high all the time anyway and she never has any clue wtf shes talking about...ever. And it's not a waste of money, it is a money maker. Drugs were made to be good, but ppl abuse them. Like trisha. but smoking stuff makes you feel better for the time being, and you have more fun when your high. so i think that you should get high shelby. because if you have the time to make a website about something stupid like this, then you need a life, and a crackhead life, is better than no life at all.
Cuz your life will suck, and then youll die, so fuck you all, were getting high!
Posted by: Katie && Trisha | November 28, 2006 at 05:23 PM
Dude whoever spout that bullshit about
get a clue douchebag..Cocaine is a natural's a fucking plant
Posted by: blah | January 09, 2007 at 08:51 PM
here is something for you all to think about...I used to do drugs and quit and the thing is that I want you to know is that you can't change your past and I know this now. before I turned 18 I was depressed and turned to drugs and it was running my life without my knowledge so for the people saying drugs are bad or good it's your choice but if you do do them there is a high chance you too will have your life ran by them. Yeah I'm 18 and I almost can't stand knowing where I was just 2 years ago. I tried just about every drug and they are not easy to get over but I did and that was my choice not ony for me but people who look up to me like my 11 year old brother. say what you want about what I wrote I don't care because at least I wrote the truth.
Posted by: stevo | January 11, 2007 at 08:16 AM
huggs not drugs!!!
Posted by: emma | January 15, 2007 at 09:36 PM
But i do the good drugs! Not the bad ones!
Posted by: Josseefa Jones | February 01, 2007 at 04:58 PM