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Mrs. Meeler

The hurricane season definately brought a lot of damage to many places. A friend of mine, who actually lives in Georgia, suffered the flooding of her home. There was water up to her chest in her basement! That damage came from Hurricane Ivan. Did you know that the weather people only used girl names for hurricanes when they first started naming them? I wonder if there has ever been a hurricane named Shelby?

Jamal Williams

Thanks for this great post. You've got some really good info in your blog. If you get a chance, you can check out my blog on panama city beach-florida
at http://www.panamacitybeachflorida2day.com.

Jamal Williams

Larry Tolbert

I wish more people felt this way and took the time to express themselves. Keep up the great work.

Larry Tolbert

Larry Tolbert

This blog posting is great. Your views are very true. Everyone should start thinking as you are doing.
Larry Tolbert

Jamal Williams

This blog posting is great. Your views are very true. Everyone should start thinking as you are doing.
Jamal Williams

Mary Anne Martin

This blog posting was of great use in learning new information and also in exchanging our views. Thank you.
Mary Anne Martin

Andrea Jasperson

This blog posting was of great use in learning new information and also in exchanging our views. Thank you.

Andrea Jasperson

Andrea Jasperson

I totally agree with what you're saying. I wish more people felt this way and took the time to express themselves. Keep up the great work.

Andrea Jasperson

Mary Anne Martin

Thanks for this great post. You've got some really good info in your blog.
Mary Anne Martin

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