One morning, my toy robot woke me up and said," Wake up sleeply head." " Today we are going on an adventure." I was totally shocked, for what I heard was comming out of a toy. I was wondering what he meant by "adventure", for I had two feelings inside of my empty little head. "Are we going to a dangerous place?", I could feel my nerve system tremble. " Are we going to party all night long?", I could hear my empty brain blurb.
See, I am a total pain to my parents and to all of my teachers. Oh yeah, hi , my name is Kathy L. " The L stands for LOUDMOUTH", my big sister Susie always says. Do you know how alot of kids want to be like their big brother or big sister? Well, not me!!! I would rather roll in the mud like a pig than be like her. That's because all she does is stand infront of the mirror for a billion hours each day, and when she's not doing that, she is yabber jabbering away on the phone.
Oh man, I always get off track!!!(like I am now) Anyway, back to what I was saying a munuite ago, I was excited and ready to go when I heard the word "adventure". Well, guess what? The little pip-squeak took me to a stupid barn!!!! Can you believe that?! I was sooooo mad that day that I wished I was contaminated with posin so I could kill the little dude! But, inside the barn was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory!!! The little umpa- lumpa shorties were waddling around all over the place. Now, to me, that was the greatest freak show I had ever seen!!! That,... was ,... my,... great,... ADVENTURE!!!!!