Mary commented to Derrick (an elementary blogger) on testing:
Hey Derrick,
I can relate to this because I'm a senior in high school and I have to take the a test called the SATs. The test measures how smart you are. Some people who are very smart may not be great test takers and they could do very badly. I think that you are right when you said that you don't have to pass a test to change the world. There are many people in this world who try very hard in school but aren't able to pass test. Why do you think that schools have to give test and do you think tests have any good affects?
I like the way she followed up with a question that will make Derrick think some more about testing. Good comment, Mary!
Do you find the comment starters helpful? Have you thought of some more to add to the list? This is just one more way to sort of push the envelope a little and get kids thinking. So, what are you thinking? Blog about it and we'll all learn together from the sharing!
Here's the list of comment starters:
- This made me think about……
- I wonder why……
- Your writing made me form an opinion about……
- This post is relevant because……
- Your writing made me think that we should……
- I wish I understood why……
- This is important because……
- Another thing to consider is……
- If I could interview someone about this topic I
would pose this question:
- After reflecting on your post, I decided……
- I wish you had……..
- I predict that…….
- I can relate to this…….
- This makes me think of……
- I discovered……
- I don’t understand……
- I was reminded that…..
- I found myself wondering…..
Comments should show that you after really thought about what the writer said. Try to close with a question of some type so the reader can react to your response. You want to model good thinking.
So, in closing, anyone got a comment?
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