A nice schoolboard member once said that J. H. House eagles don't flock, they soar! That sure fits today. Will Richardson, a blogging colleague of mine, recognized your good work on a post today.
He also discovered this article in the March issue of Technology and Learning. Now Will found this article before I did. I read his blog and I was so happy for J. H. House to be recognized. Isn't the blogging world great? We bloggers help each other keep up! Thanks, Will!
The article features J. H. House Elementary School as the School Site of the Month!!!! That is quite an honor for you and your school. Boys and girls, they talk about your weblogs, our class weblogs and all the other blogs that J. H. House has created this year.
I think you have some of the best ideas and absolutely some of the best voices on the web. This nice recognition is received in a very large part because of your hard work all year long.
Here is a quote straight from the author, Susan Brooks-Young.
"All the participants comment on each other's posts-an excellent example of how members of a school community can share ideas electronically."
J. H. House eagles are soaring once again. I am so very proud of you!!