Your posts today were excellent! I just had to pull one from each of you to share on our class blog. Here goes!
Alejandro - Hey! Would you like to transform your writing into a masterpiece? Do you want to have interesting facts and fascinating subjects. You need to have some tips from Alejandro. Tip number one, try to include vivid words. Vivid words are better when they are adjectives and exclamations. An exclamation is a word that expresses feelings such as Wow!
Yessenia - Organize your writing so that it makes your writing seem nice and neat.
Shelby - Read your story over and over again until you KNOW it is the right one.
Paulina - A very good tip is to always
use vivid words. Never leave an overused word in your paper. If you
do, your paper will look very ordinary. If you change the words your
paper will look great.
Patrick - When you write you must write with understandable words. You must use
words that you and the reader can understand. So don't just use words
that sound good and you don't know what they mean use words that you
Maria - How,When,&Where shows ADVERBS! they uaually end in ly.
Marcos - grab the readers attention with a catchy lead. Here is an excellent introduction written by Alejandro. Hey! would you like to transform your writing into a masterpiece? A catchy lead can make readers read your writing.
Lacey - You should always try to do your best in writing . Even if you don't know anything about it or the problem has never happened to you!You can make it up. As long as it sounds real to you and a classmate or who ever is reading it! Then you would be proud of yourself!
Juan - My last writing tip is to have your own personal voice. Express your personality and have a conversation with an authur and try not to make your story so boring that no one will like to read it. When I mean your own personal voice I mean showing expression on your writing and honoring your punctuation meaning to slow down on your writing. Don't let anyone judge you about your writing and be proud of what you wrote about.
Jhonathan - One of the tips is to grab the attention. It helps so the reader will attach to it. Add a idiom or act like your talking straight to them.This is one of the great tips.
Estefany - My comment is to reread what you wrote and omit what does not sound right and makes a person not into the story.
Ashley - Pretend you are writing to a very important person.
Alejandra - Check your spelling!! Checking your spelling helps your writing a lot. I sometimes forget to check my spelling ,but I always try. It messes your writing if you forget.
Adrieana - Never write bad comment to someone who has write a bad comment to you. Or never respond to someone who wrote a bad comment to you. So remember all of these tips.
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